
Italy is out-Beyond Borders exhibition in Tunisi

date » 30-11-2017 22:53

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Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy Exhibition of the TML Project. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Tunisi Opening 7 December till 21 February 2018

The exhibition BEYOND BORDERS - Transnational Italy is one of the principal research outputs of the AHRC project TML – Transnationalizing Modern Languages. Mobility, Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures.
Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy displays both the processes and the results of the research in which TML has been engaged over the last three years, across different countries. The exhibition demonstrates how what we refer to as Italian language and Italian culture exceed geographical/territorial confines and operate through a constant process of rewriting and reworking of familiar ideas of tradition, nation and narration.

Beyond Borders also presents Italy is Out a photographic project by Mario Badagliacca, who has worked as artist in residence for the project, travelling to London, New York, Addis Ababa and Buenos Aires. Within the exhibition there are also other compositions that demonstrate the interest of TML for those artistic languages that encourage us to think of cultural identities in terms of the transnational.
TML researchers:
Charles Burdett, Jennifer Burns, Jacopo Colombini, Derek Duncan, Margaret Hills de Zàrate, Luisa Pèrcopo, Carlo Pirozzi, Loredana Polezzi, Marco Santello, Barbara Spadaro, Georgia Wall, Naomi Wells.

Curated by Viviana Gravano e Giulia Grechi/Routes Agency.

OPENING 7 December 2018 at 6.00pm
Istituto Italiano di Cultura Tunisi
80 Avenue Mohamed V
1002 Tunisi

'The Game'. Exhibition at the Fundação Gulbenkian

date » 13-11-2017 21:59

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'The Game' Exhibition at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Lisboa, Portugal 2017
17 13 - 20 November 2017
Organized by 'ACEP – Association for the Cooperation of the People' this exhibition is part of an on-going multimedia project documenting experiences of violation of human rights along the East European routes. The overall work is divided into chapters, each showing a specific aspect of migrants’ daily life. This central photographic core comprises 16 photographs that I took during several trips in the region. The goal is to explore life in refugee and transit centers, squats, and in the 'jungle' (the woods), by showing the daily practices used by migrants in order to survive extreme physical and psychological conditions.
‘The Game’ is the phrase used by migrants to refer to the dangerous trip across the Balkan Route. Independently of their origins and native tongues, all migrants use this English expression. They all attempt to cross the Balkan borders, walking or hidden in trains and trucks, up to fifteen or twenty times in a year, taking risky, multiple chances, like in a game. More often than not, the police takes them back to their departure point, often after having physically and psychologically abused them. The guards send dogs to rip them apart, push them to walk barefoot in the snow, beat them, destroy their mobile phones, and seize their money and the few items they carry. Abuses are widely documented by the international NGOs that every day give medical support to migrants.

ACEP – Association for the Cooperation of the People
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Contactos e Informações
Av. de Berna, 45A, 1067-001 Lisboa
+351 217 823 000

Venice Art Night - Italy is Out

date » 25-05-2017 16:58

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Italy is out - Venice Art Night - University of Warwick, Venezia.
17 Giugno ore 18.00 - 22.00

L’Università di Warwick ospita nella sede di Palazzo Pesaro Papafava la mostra fotografica di Mario Badagliacca.
Fondata negli anni ’60, l’Università di Warwick è una delle università più rinomate in Inghilterra e nel mondo ed è presente a Venezia dal 1967 quando il dipartimento di Storia e in seguito quello di Storia dell’Arte scelsero la città per studiare il Rinascimento. Un centinaio saranno gli studenti del prossimo trimestre veneziano. La sede si trova a Palazzo Pesaro Papafava dove l’Università ospita anche conferenze accademiche, seminari, corsi intensivi a cui partecipano studenti e professori di tutto il mondo.

Programma completo: Venice Art Night programma

More Info Art Night Venezia
University of Warwick home page

Palazzo Pesaro Papafava - Calle de la Racheta, 30121 Venezia

Exhibition at the Hopkins Hall Gallery, Ohio State University

date » 10-04-2017 18:48

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Italy is out at the Hopkins Hall Gallery, Ohio State University.

OPENING Friday, April 21st 2017, 09.00 - 10.00: Mario Badagliacca in conversation with Valerio Ferme, University of Colorado at Boulder.
11.00: Photography Installation “Italy is Out”, Hopkins Hall Gallery.
The research is part of the AHRC-funded project “Transnationalizing Modern Languages: Mobility Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures” involving researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Cardiff, Queen Margaret, St Andrews, and Warwick.

Ohio State University - Conference program

TML project Web Site

Hopkins Hall HC
Building 149
128 N Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

TIFA Tokyo International Foto Awards

date » 12-01-2017 01:31

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Italy is out received an honorable mention at the International Photography Awards 2016, Category People: Lifestyle.
'Italy is out' is part of the research of the AHRC-funded project 'Transnationalizing Modern Languages: Mobility Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures' involving researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Cardiff, Queen Margaret, St Andrews, and Warwick.

Beyond Borders. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Londra

date » 28-11-2016 12:10

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Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy Exhibition of the TML Project. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Londra Opening 2 December at 7.00 p. m.
Exhibition open 5 December 2016 - 14 January 2017

The exhibition BEYOND BORDERS - Transnational Italy is one of the principal research outputs of the AHRC project TML – Transnationalizing Modern Languages. Mobility, Identity and Translation in Modern Italian Cultures.
Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy displays both the processes and the results of the research in which TML has been engaged over the last three years, across different countries. The exhibition demonstrates how what we refer to as Italian language and Italian culture exceed geographical/territorial confines and operate through a constant process of rewriting and reworking of familiar ideas of tradition, nation and narration.

Beyond Borders also presents Italy is Out a photographic project by Mario Badagliacca, who has worked as artist in residence for the project, travelling to London, New York and Buenos Aires. Within the exhibition there are also other compositions that demonstrate the interest of TML for those artistic languages that encourage us to think of cultural identities in terms of the transnational. Lastly, Beyond Borders host the work of the artist Valentina Bonizzi whose work shares some of the perspectives on to which the work of TML opens.
TML researchers:
Charles Burdett, Jennifer Burns, Jacopo Colombini, Derek Duncan, Margaret Hills de Zàrate, Luisa Pèrcopo, Carlo Pirozzi, Loredana Polezzi, Marco Santello, Barbara Spadaro, Georgia Wall, Naomi Wells.

Curated by Viviana Gravano e Giulia Grechi/Routes Agency.

OPENING 2 December 2016 at 7.00pm

To book here:
5 DECEMBER 2016 – 14 JANUARY 2017
Monday-Friday 10.00am – 6.00pm
Free Entry

Conference program link

Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Italian Cultural Institute
39 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8NX

Exhibition at the Università degli Studi di Milano

date » 17-11-2016 17:21

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Exhibition of Letters from the CIE
CRIMINARE conference Università degli Studi di Milano
November 21 - 30, 2016

A project of:
Centro di Ricerca Coordinato (CRC) UNIMI Criminal hero.
Academic network:
Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI Department of Studies in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication – ITA), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU – UK), University College Cork (UCC – IRL), Université d’Aix-Marseille (AMU – FR), Centre Aixois d’Études Romanes (CAER/AMU – FR), Centre interdisciplinaires d’études des littératures D’Aix-Marseille (CIELAM/AMU – FR), Altre Modernità. Rivista di Studi Letterari e Culturali (AMONLINE/UNIMI – ITA)

Guest Speakers:
Mario Badagliacca (Photographer), Paolo Barcella (UNIBG), Luigi Bruti Liberati (UNIMI), Stefania Carini (UNICATT, Corriere della Sera), Francesco Cattani (UNIBO), Maria Cristina Cavecchi (UNIMI), Gigi Cavenago (comics artist), Luca Ciabarri (UNIMI), Claudia Clementi (Ministero della Giustizia), Lidia De Michelis (UNIMI), Alessandra Di Maio (UNIPA), Andrea Fornasiero (RAI), Valeria Gennero UNIBG), Pavel Hak (novelist), Paolo Inghilleri (UNIMI), Lorenzo Mari (UNIBO), Luigi Mignacco (comics writer), Marco Modenesi (UNIMI), Emilia Perassi (UNIMI), Barbara Pinelli (UNIMIB), Gianluigi Rossini (UNIVAQ), Igiaba Scego (novelist), Giovanni Turchetta (UNIMI), Federica Zullo (UNIFE)
Organization at UNIMI & Altre Modernità:
Paolo Caponi, Daniele Croci, Serena Guarracino, Emanuele Monegato, Anna Pasolini, Cinzia Scarpino, Nicoletta Vallorani.

Università degli Studi di Milano
1° floor, Polo di Mediazione e Comunicazione,
UNIMI P.zza Indro Montanelli, 1

CRIMINAL HERO Project's website

Beyond Borders exhibition. British School at Rome

date » 25-10-2016 18:30

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Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy Exhibition of the TML Project.
British School at Rome, 26 Ottobre 2016

Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy è una mostra itinerante, che parte dalla British School at Rome, per poi viaggiare prima a Londra presso l’Italian Cultural Institute all’inizio di dicembre, e poi nel corso del 2017 in diverse altre location nel mondo, ripercorrendo alcuni degli itinerari geografici dei ricercatori TML (Addis Abeba, New York, Buenos Aires, Melbourne, Torino). L'esposizione mostra il modo in cui la cultura e la lingua italiana eccedono i confini geografici o territoriali, e operano attraverso una costante riscrittura e reinvenzione delle tradizioni o delle narrazioni stereotipate. I materiali di ricerca provenienti da differenti parti del mondo, nella loro pluralità di linguaggi (fotografie, interviste, documenti) prendono vita, si animano attraverso le installazioni, lasciando emergere le storie delle quali sono portatori (le storie delle persone incontrate dai ricercatori, e le storie dei ricercatori stessi) e consentendo un’esperienza di fruizione intensa e partecipata.
Beyond Borders. Transnational Italy presenta il lavoro fotografico che Mario Badagliacca ha realizzato ad hoc per il progetto, come artista in residenza TML, viaggiando tra Londra, New York e Buenos Aires.

Mostra a cura di Viviana Gravano e Giulia Grechi/Routes Agency.

British School at Rome
via Gramsci, 61 Roma

IPA - International Photography Awards - Honorable mention

date » 04-10-2016 14:05

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Italy is out received an honorable mention at the International photography awards 2016 Category People: Portrait.

The International Photography Awards received 17039 of submissions from over 162 countries, and is pleased to declare that Mario Badagliacca was awarded Honorable Mention in People - Portrait for the winning entry Italy is out.

IPA web site Italy is out

IPA web page winners

IPA_winners_press_release.pdf (64.39 KB)

Ruskin School of Art University of Oxford

date » 16-05-2016 09:17

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Border Control - Artists’ responses to incarceration
Conference and Screening at the Ruskin School of Art Project Space Oxford University

Monday, May 23 2016

This program brings together artists who work inside spaces of incarceration and immigration detention. Hosted by the Border Criminologies’ Subjectivities and Penal Power project this series of artists’ talks address the aesthetics of border control. Defined by activist methods of social practice within institutions of incarceration and deportation, these are bordered aesthetics. Documenting the state systems that put border control in place they explore confinement, censorship, and the power of archival and photographic evidence.
12-12:30 Mary Bosworth 12:30-1pm Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll 1:00-2:00 Lunchbreak. Screening: Laura Poitras and James Bridle
2:00-2:45 David Rych 3:00-3:45pm Edmund Clark Coffee break. 4:15-5:00 Nana Varveropoulou 5:00-5:45 Mario Badagliacca 5:45-6:30: Laura Saunders.
Respondents include: Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (curator, dOCUMENTA 14), Jessyca Hutchens (Ruskin School of Art), Oraib Toukan (Ruskin School of Art), Michal Murawski (University College London), and Jonathan Watkins (Director, IKON Gallery).

Ruskin school of arts - University of Oxford
128 Bullingdon Rd

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